Breaking His Other Rib with Kortney Olson - UltraHD (MP4)
1 year ago
Breaking His Other Rib with Kortney Olson - UltraHD (MP4)
The last time they shot videos together, kortney olson broke kris’s ribs. since then he has been fearful of being under her massive body again. kortney lets him know she feels like trampling him today, and he’s just going to have to deal with it. she sits down on his stomach and lights up a smoke. kris can already feel himself being crushed under her as she takes long deep drags off her cigarette. kortney then puts her smoke out and begins. she works her way up from his cock to his face; taking her time so her wide size 9 feet sink deep into his body. kortney taunts him the entire time and lets him know if he doesn’t lay still and take his trampling, she’ll break his rib again.