Snotty Hanky Supreme
1 year ago
Snotty Hanky Supreme
I’m back with another segment of my snotty hanky diaries. armed with my blue hanky and chhinkni powder, i’m ready to blow my snot everywhere! like usual i start with powder in one nostril and the sneezes are nice! i repeat with the other nostril and enjoy a stream of powerful sneeezes and slimy snot. i take a break and empty my nostrils into the hanky, making sure my nostrils are completely dry before i go in for more powder. once clear, it’s time to try and load up both nostrils at once. i make two small piles of chhinkni powder on my hand and distribute the powder to both nostrils. another powerful stream of sneezes comes and i’m feeling feel of snot! i release my snot into the hanky once more, showing off the snot as it exits my nose and hits the hanky. how did i do? does the hanky need more snot?