Blowing smoke in your face Step-Mom
1 year ago
Blowing smoke in your face Step-Mom
Custom: no name you're a step-mom who decides that i should get used to the smell of your smoke, since you're going to be around often, so you move close and tell me you're going to blow smoke in my face and how much i'm going to love it, and that i'll just have to get used to it.. you light up and with the cigarette still in your mouth after light up, you lean in and puff out a couple of un-inhaled balls of smoke in my face with the cigarette in your mouth. then you move on to blowing wave after wave of smoke into the camera. you keep talking about how good it smells as you keep blowing it in my face and ask me if i like the smell, do i want more, you're starting to like it, it's fun. you blow smoke rings in my face, around my nose a couple of times. a couple of times, maybe a couple of thick un-inhaled puffs in my face to see if i like that. mostly a playful video. i like how playful you can be in your videos. marlboro 100s