Swimsuit Girl Next Door
1 year ago
Swimsuit Girl Next Door
Get in touch now to enquire about having a swimsuit custom filmed and tailored made for you. this film stars model aurora phoenix as the swimsuit girl next door, there are 5 segments in this film. in the first segment we see aurora wear and pose in a very tight fitting purple and green one piece swimsuit. segment 2 aurora tells us about teasing the boys next door, she wears a stars and stripes sling style swimsuit. in segment 3 she continues to tease the boys next door this time wearing a lime green shiny thong one piece. moving into segment 4 aurora wears a black one piece bathing suit with purple trim, we get to see her do a short workout in this segment as she jumps, squats and stretches in her swimming costume. finally in segment 5 we get to see lifeguard aurora in a red baywatch style swimsuit. for more films featuring pretty girls in swimsuits please check out our studio. jh-4k productions studio page