Diaper Spiral (audio only mp4)

Views: 47
Duration: 6:53
Submitted: 10 months ago
Title: Diaper Spiral (audio only mp4)
Description: Become lost in the diaper spiral. your life is in a loop that has become unavoidable. do not try to avoid it. do not try to escape it. the diaper spiral cycle is your life now. because you wear the diaper, you use the diaper. because you use them you become unpottytrained. because you are unpottytrained you must wear them and it makes you horny. because you are horny you wear the diapers. there is no escaping this cycle, this spiral. the only thing you can do is give in to it. admit to yourself your necessary function is to use them. you are not pottytrained anymore, you cannot hold it in. do not try to do so. simple use the diaper, wear the diaper, be horny for the diaper. do not try to stop this spiral. enjoy it. let it persist. contains mesmerizing ambient music in the background. echo voice effect and an ambient soundtrack. this is an audio file. it is offered in this mp4 format for those who would like to add it to their video playlists. it is nonetheless only intended to be enjoyed as an audio. the only image shown is the cover art. an mp3 audio file is available here in my store as well.