96) Submerged in a basin – POV2
1 year ago
96) Submerged in a basin – POV2
This is a second point of view (pov2) of the movie "96) submerged in a basin”. below the description: “i want to try new methods of de-airing my slave, and what method is 100% safer than holding his head under water? to do this i fill a basin to the brim, tie his hands behind his back, and get behind him to push his head under the water as hard as i can! this is how long periods under water begin where he will squirm to try to make his head emerge, blowing, blowing bubbles and moaning, and i who always make him breathe at the last minute and then immediately throw him back under the water trying to keep him more and more 1 minute everytime! it's a game that i really enjoy and that i think i will repeat in the future!”