I Worship you Giantess Burpy VORE you make the ultimate sacrafice to nurish your Growing Godess she Eats you like a roast pig Keeping you in a cage to fatten you up stuffing an apple in your mouth and cooking you up before devouring you and showing her fu
1 year ago
I Worship you Giantess Burpy VORE you make the ultimate sacrafice to nurish your Growing Godess she Eats you like a roast pig Keeping you in a cage to fatten you up stuffing an apple in your mouth and cooking you up before devouring you and showing her fu
You are kept like a pet pig ... fattened up and eaten hey. i wanted to open up to you about something and it’s gonna sound weird but i’m a guy who has always felt he was lower on the food chain than some people, you being one of them. i always felt that the i was meant to be kept as livestock and raised like a pig. then make the ultimate sacrifice for a real goddess like you. you are a goddess and you deserve to eat like one. imagine eating a steak that willingly gave its life to be your food. or roasting a man over a fire with an apple in his mouth. i would do it. i’d give myself to you. i'd do anything i worship you giantess vore you make the ultimate sacrafice to nurish your growing godess she eats you like a roast pig . she ofyen asks you questionscabout your fetish curious about your desire to be eaten. keeping you in a cage to fatten you up stuffing an apple in your mouth and cooking you up before devouring you and showing her full distended stuffed bloated belly talking to you while she digests you during the meal lola burps loudly to make room for more of your delicious meatvyou can see salivia dripping from her red lips in a sexy red bra a sensual vore in hd