Land Yacht Series: Car Trouble in the City in Mules (mp4 1080p)
1 year ago
Land Yacht Series: Car Trouble in the City in Mules (mp4 1080p)
(driving, cranking, stalling, bad brakes, and brake failure in this clip. contains 2 static pedal views and 1 in-game view. contains simulated pedal pumping in a video game. run time 16 minutes and 0 seconds.) story: i slide on my mule sandals and go to take the old boat for a cruise through the city. the car is very temperamental, so i have to crank it for a bit to get it started. keeping it running will be the key this ride since it likes to stall out on me throughout the ride. and for the old car to stay consistent, the brakes are garbage too. sometimes they work, sometimes they almost do, and on the last hill in the clip, the don't work at all.