Greedy Findomme Drains you

Views: 88
Duration: 16:33
Submitted: 10 months ago
Title: Greedy Findomme Drains you
Description: You're just a wallet to me, i only want tributes from you, i'm a greedy princess, and i have expensive tastes, and designer items as i'm your spoilt princess, and i love it when i take all your money from you and you get turned on as i remove all your money, as i don't care about how i leave you after i have taken what i want, i just care about your money and only your money. you have to keep me in luxury, and the more you get turned on, your need to give more than other financial slaves just sends you into a spiral, one sends me 1000, and you only have one urge but to pay 2000, to remain my human atm. i only think about you when you're buying me expensive boots, shoes and clothes, beauty spas and 5-star hotels and as you should fund all of my greedy spoilt princess needs, giving me all your money makes you hot and excited, knowing all that money in your wallet is going to be mine, you need to keep me happy and the only way to make me happy is with cold hard cash, i deserve it, and whatever it takes you will give me, i'm precious and i own that money before you even have it. the excitement you get is your addiction.

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