Sacred Lunar Bonding

Views: 150
Duration: 17:45
Submitted: 1 year ago
Title: Sacred Lunar Bonding
Description: This video is for those who are wanting a deeper connection with me. perhaps the science minded, or spiritually inclined. or just those into esoteric i will be discussing my sacred cycle and how it follows the lunar cycle. i discuss how you can follow my cycle to not only bond with me, but to understand the best times of the month to contact me. this gives you a guide for how and when to approach me and how to best show care throughout the month. i explain what each week is typically like for me and how that can benefit you. for instance, contacting me during the follicular week, you might engage with my most energized, playful self. if you're wanting a deeper, more intimate connection with me, this is important information to keep in mind.